(Lettres à Jean-Loup Rivière)
Written and directed by Juliette Riedler
Performance and artistic collaboration: Juliette Séjourné
n partnership with Festival Remue, Compagnie La Hutte, Le Relais Pantin, Université Paris 8, Festival Existences, Librairie o. (Rond-Point)
Photo credit Suzanne Rault-Balet
« These letters were written out of necessity. On hearing of the death of Jean-Loup Rivière, my thesis supervisor, I felt the need to pursue the doctorate he had launched me on, submitted a title, and from which I was gradually drifting. Written in a "scholastic" context, they question in particular the fantasy of the repetition of misfortune and submission as a woman in a world structured by hierarchical and binary gender relations. After sitting in a drawer for four years, this text resurfaced at the invitation of Festival Remue#3, organized by Compagnie La Hutte and Le Relais, in Pantin. In the meantime, I had defended my thesis, and the resulting essay, 7 femmes en scène, Émancipation d'actrices, was published this autumn 2022 by L'Extrême contemporain. I asked Juliette Séjourné to interpret this text. Like the stage set-up, the interpretation is simple. The idea is to enable the audience to project itself into the mental space (physical and psychic) described by the text, to pay close attention to it, and to follow the imaginative volutes it unfolds. The text thus became a solo for an actress. » Juliette Riedler (translated)