
She is working as an artist and performer on the edge of various disciplines, essentially theater, music and art installation. She works in a variety of contexts, from opera houses on international tour (Shanghai, Tianjin and Harbin opera houses) and concert halls (Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Théâtre de la Colline, Institut du Monde Arabe...) to interventions in basilicas, cinemas, greenhouses, gardens, social welfare centers, hospitals (Consultations Poétiques du Théâtre de la Ville) and even scientific symposia. 


Graduate from the National Conservatory of Dramatic Art in Paris, Juliette also conducted researches in History of music at The École Normale Supérieure de Cachan. She has trained in lyrical singing and contemporary dance and ballet, lately with Hofesh Shechter then with the Batsheva Dance company & Ohad Naharin.

To strengthen her professional practices, she has continuously train on both new concepts and technologies (notably at Ircam). Her year of research and creation at ENS Paris-Saclay represented a unique opportunity to link her creative work with existential issues she is confronted to, as every inhabitant of the "critical zone" of the globe.

Direction and installations

Since her beginnings in creation, she has examined the question of the "little inner voice" and its expression. This notion runs through the dramaturgies of her first multidisciplinary creations :  Didon(s), Amer(s) (2018), Récital Darwich (2019).

For some time now, this question has joined a reflection on "attention": how are we attentive or distracted? And how do we get closer to ourselves, body and soul, through a work or a meta-work?

As associate artist of the "ETCR, Festival de films dansés", she creates several installations and performances/workshops for film viewers (2021). She then created the interactive installation Tuskumo-café, which she presented at the Drôles d'objets conference in May 2023 in collaboration with Anthonin Gourichon and Frédéric Bevilacqua. In spring 2023, she joins the Nuclear Knowledges research center (CERI - Sciences Po) for a research-creation term as part of her training at ENS Paris-Saclay. She is currently developing a sound creation on nuclear weapons.


She recently performed with Tarek Haoudy & Simon Bonanni for "Copiétons"a short film selected at the 2020 Valence International Festival, and with Marielle Chabal for "Al Qamar" , at the Palais de Tokyo. She also works as an actress in close collaboration with the writer/director Juliette Riedler for the performanceAinsi Connu Proche et Aimé (Festival Bruit in 2022, Festival Existences in 2023).

She assisted Benjamin Lazar in the staging of " Traviata, You Deserve a Better Future", for its creation in autumn 2016 at the Bouffes du Nord, then on an international tour from 2016 to 1019, a show for which she became a performer in the role of Flora.

She performed in concert at the Institut du Monde Arabe (2017, 2018) and at the Théâtre National de La Colline (2018). In spring 2021, she joined the Théâtre de la Ville for "The Scientific & Poetic Consultations".

CV Juliette Sejourné (pdf)