Didon(s), Amer(s)


Director : Juliette Séjourné

With Arthur de Barochez and Alexis Coutureau

Early version presented at "Jeune Théâtre National"(2016)

Research residency at "Le Carré, Centre d'Art contemporain" (2018)

A variation on the figure of Dido, based on Saint-John Perse's poem Amers. A journey similar to that found in The Aeneid. Amers de Saint-John Perse. Un parcours proche de celui que l’on trouve dans L’Énéide.

We play along with Didon et Énée Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, on double bass, oud, vocals and electronic effects.

The Mediterranean sea is represented by the lights around it.

It's an intimate epic.